Exchange & Returns

How do I cancel my order?

Orders placed with us through online purchase can be cancelled within 24 hours after making the payment. You can cancel the order by sending us an email at or by contacting our customer care number at +91 7307569034. Your order cancellation will be confirmed only once you receive an email confirmation from us. We can only cancel the orders that have not been packaged and shipped by us with the full amount being refunded to you within 10 working days from the cancellation confirmation either through online bank transfer or cheque payment. Order in transit cannot be cancelled.

Please note, products can only be returned if there is any manufacturing defect.

How do I return my order?

You can return your order through any recognised courier in its original state with bill and price tag and duly packaged the way it was sent to you. We will issue your refund after it gets approved by our return eligibility and status of the merchandise received. If the return order does not qualify for refunds, we will courier the same merchandise to you on a to-pay basis.  All returns are closed within 7 to 10 days from return receipt.

Please note goods cannot be returned under the following conditions:

  • If they have been worn
  • If they are not in their original conditions
  • If price tag is removed
  • Damaged due to wear and tear in the transit or whatsoever reason

Should you have more information on the return policy or any other issue please contact our customer care at +91 7307569034or write back to us at